Make-A- Wish foundation of India (Ahmedabad)
Make-A- Wish foundation of India is one of the 35+ affiliates of Make-A-Wish foundation international. The foundation’s mission across the globe is to granting cherished wish of children with life-threating illnesses in the age group of 3 to 18 years. The fulfillments of cherished wish gives back Strength, Joy, Happiness & Hope!
The Indian affiliate was started in 1996 by Mr. & Mrs. Uday Joshi. We have fulfilled 68900+ wishes in last 25 years through its divisions Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Bangalore, Jaipur, Kolkata, Delhi, Chennai, Pune& Goa.
In Ahmedabad, Make-A-wish started functioning from 1998 and today we have been able to do more than 8500+ wishes in last 23 years. We are working with 18 hospitals and 5 NGO partners to reach out to children across Gujarat. The back bone of the organization, our volunteers are working round the clock to identify wishes.
You can make a difference too… By joining:
1. As a volunteers
2. Adopt a Wish
3. Refer a child
4. Donate generously.
For more information
• www.makeawishindia.org
• ahmedabad.div@makeawishindia.org