• Active member since many years
  • Participated in various party activities & events and actively canvassed for party candidates in previous 2 Assembly & Municipal elections
  • Active Member of BJP Doctor Cell & one of key members of the team which organized a state level Conference of doctors 'Swasthya Sudha’

Swasthya Sangam

  • The aim of the Conference is to update and train doctors from far off areas regarding latest developments and treatment protocols for managing various conditions such as Diabetes, heart problems , obesity etc which are common in Gujarat and affecting a sizeable population.

  • Sensitize and motivate doctors towards active participation & creating Awareness for Socio- Medical Causes such as Organ donation & Thalassemia Prevention.

  • Create a bridge between different systems of Medicine auch as Allopathy, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Dentistry etc and provide a common platform to the doctors for exchange of ideas and best practices.